Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Conversion of Bio-Wastes to Fertilizers

Converting bio-waste to fertilizer

Bio-Wastes are organic wastes (such as animal & human wastes, sawdust, or food scraps) that is composed chiefly of organic matter. Fertilizer on the other hand is an organic(natural) or inorganic (man-made substance) that is added to the soil to boost or increase its fertility. Huge amounts of organic wastes are being generated in our neighborhood, streets, homes, farms & industries. However, bio-wastes can actually be processed into fertilizer and used to supply plant nutrients & animal matter to the soil which in turn can boost & improve agricultural production. So rather than throwing away excess food substances we can actually covert them into useful products like fertilizers.

Saturday, 17 March 2018

The Health and Nutritional Benefits of Avocado Pear

Avocado Pear

Avocado, also known as alligator pear, is a large pear-shaped fruit having a single large seed, and soft, light green pulp, often eaten raw, especially in salads. The skin is originally green but it changes to black or deep wine when the fruit is fully ripe. Avocado fruit is creamy & smooth in texture.
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