Wednesday, 10 June 2020


Run away from Crowd1 if you are not ready to refer or recruit others into Crowd1. You can only make money in Crowd1 when you can refer others into Crowd1. If you can't refer you won't even make 1% of the money you invested brother in 1 year. Many people will tell you that you are going to be paid handsomely at the end of 3 months whether you refer or not. This is a big fat lie Bro. 

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

How ATPAYS Works & Legitimate ways Members can Earn on Activities that Pays Platform

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Below are the awesome and legitimate ways users can earn on Activities that pays
As an affiliate earner you earn 67.5% on each referrals you introduce to the platform..This means for every new person you refer you get #1000(AAE Earnings)  instatntly..If you can introduce up to 7 people a week then youve earned yourself #7000(AAE Earnings) in just that weeek of which you can cashout
2..REGISTRATION BONUS: The moment you register you earn 1000(AAP points) points 
3. DAILY VISITS: You earn 100(AAP points) when you login to your account daily.
4. View / Reading post: You earn from 30(AAP points) on each latest post you read.
5. POSTING NEWS/ JOKES: You earn 100(AAP) for posting relevant, interesting and well structure forum topic that get approved on the website.

6...SELLING CODES FOR THE PLATFORM: once you're a verified distributor any code you sell for the website attracts a certain percentage of gain that's massive enough for you....distributors gain nothing less than 100k monthly from sales of codes....check the buy coupon page to see how you can become a vendor 
7...SPONSORED POSTS: We assign a sponsored post to members in their dashboard to share on their Facebook timeline daily, you earn 200(AAP points) daily on assigned post you share as recommended
8..WEEKLY QUIZ AND GIVEAWAYS: games and quiz questions are posted on the websites or on the facebook group and winners gets to get cash prizes or recharge cards instantly as the case may be.
9…REFERRAL CONTESTS : This is usually brought about once a month….During the contest, the winners will be awarded cash prices
10. MARKET PLACE: Its a mini mart where all users can place adverts of things they wish to sell with their activity points and users various people can contact them and purchase their items
11…BRINGING ADVERTS TO US: You can tell others about our cheap rates of placing adverts on atpays and when they are interested in placing adverts youll get up to 50% of the amount charged for reffering us




1...AAE MEANS ATPAYS AFILIATE EARNINGS: The AAE carries the same value as the naira value, meaning that any amount that is found therein is equivalent to the nigerian naira and can be cashed out twice weekly

2...AAP MEANS ATPAYS ACTIVITY POINTS: The  AAP does not however carry the same value as that of the nigerian value, it however carries a lower value of #0.65 in the stock exchange rate per activity point earned. This means that for every 100 points you make, you can actually calculate the value by multipling it by the exchange rate which is #0.65

For example, 

If you have 1,000 AAP and you apply for withdrawal, your AAP will be converted and you'll be paid with the conversion rate of #0.65 multiplied by your AAP.....So to calculate this figure, we will have the usual #0.65 AAP conversion rate multiplied by 1,000AAP which will give us #650 which can be applied and cashed out into your bank account

All qualified users will be paid their full referral bonus plus 0.65 of what is deducted from their activity points(most times the system deducts 4000 activity points).

For example Mr James has 3000 referral bonus and has 5000 activity points so Mr James will be paid 3000 + (0.65 x 4000)=5600.

Note that transfer charges are always put into consideration which is #600. Therefore Mr James ends up with #5000 

Users that has earned between 1-10,000 activity points will require a minimum of 3 referrals to qualify for payment.

Users that has earned between 10,000-14,000 activity points will require a minimum of 4 referrals to qualify for payment 

Users that has earned between 15000 activity points and above will require 5 referrals to qualify for payment.


KINDLY Call or whatsapp Eddysam for More information on +2348038295185

Monday, 1 June 2020

Investing & Succeeding in Crowd1

Before you invest your money in Crowd1 read this information below
We were told that you could make money with Crowd1 even though you were sleeping but we have just discovered that that is not the truth. Because on June 15th 2020, Crowd1 paid out the so called Crowd1 rewards & what was paid was not even up to 1% of money that was invested. 
Crowd1 is referral business from what we have seen after June 15th 2020 you can only make money in Crowd1 when you refer others into the system.  without referal you are not going to make even 1% of your capital in 1 year. So please think twice before you put your money in Crowd1  please. People will lie to you how you will be paid within 3 month & many other lies but please run away if you know you can't refer people into Crowd1. For more information whatsapp +2348038295185

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In Crowd1 you can succeed in two ways, either by being a passive investor or by being an active investor. 
Being a passive investor involves gong to sleep while your money works for you. Passive investors are those who don't want to go through any stress with recruiting anyone. They just invest & forget about the business & claim their dividends quarterly.
Active investors are those who are hungry for more money aside their quarterly income. They go all out to advertise the business & earn various types & levels of referral bonus as they do. They take the Crowd1 business as serious as their food & water & they. 
Now if you fall into the group of the active investors you can keep on reading.

Frequently Asked Questions in Crowd1 & Answers plus tips to succeed in Crowd1

1. How do you make extra money in Crowd1 apart from my quarterly income?
The simple answer is by bringing others into the system. The more the merrier. In business people translates to money whether directly or indirectly More people more money. 
2. How do I bring people into Crowd1?
The answer is simple tell people about it. 
3. I have told a lot of people & they refused to join, what do I do? 
Keep on telling more people, when they are convinced they will join. You joined because you were convinced. Don't give up remember that Quitters never win & Winners never quit. 
Always be positive & optimistic about the business, never be pessimistic for even 1 second.  Never be discouraged
4. I don't know much about the business myself?
Have a good knowledge about the business itself. Take time & learn & be ready to answer questions that may arise also have leaders & uplines that can assist you.

How do I advertise the business Effectively ?

Use your social media accounts, Facebook,  twitter, Instagram, webinars, word of mouth, flyers  Blog posts, video animations & graphics animations & many more as well as paid adverts to advrtise Crowd1. Think out of the box. Be innovative. You may say I don't have a blog what stops you from having one, or paying for your posts to be put up on one. I don't know how to do animations what stops you from paying a token or learning how to. 

If you are interested in having your own blog or website or posting your adverts on a blog just connect with me & am going to do it for you for just a token. If you need specially designed customized video animation & graphics animation for your adverts also contact me .If you will like to learn how to make video & graphics animation with your phones that you can use for your Crowd1 marketing contact me as well. 

But if you actually join my team the Trailblazers team Nigeria headed by Madam Prisca Cho, I can actually do a blog for you or put up some post for you on my blog for free & also create some video animations for you free of charge. 

Also you stand to have access to our webinars & online training where you can invite your prospects to come & learn about the Crowd1 business.  

So you may not need to organize your own webinars or own your own blog as I am going to do that for you at no cost. 

If you are interested in joining Crowd1 through our team call or whats-app Eddysam on +2348038295185. Or if you interested of any of the above offers also contact me as well on the number above. Thanks

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