Tuesday 3 July 2018

The Health & Nutritional Benefits of Tiger Nuts

Tiger Nuts

Tiger nuts is scientifically called Cyperus Esculentus. It has also called Yellow Nutsedge, & Tiger nutsedge. It is common in Nigeria, Africa,  Southern Europe, & Indian Sub-continent. The Chinese have actually used tiger nuts for many years. It is very cheap & economical although when something that is highly beneficial is cheap it is not valued. 

Composition of Tiger Nuts

It contains high levels of chromium, potassium, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, amylase, thylase & catalase.

Health & Nutritional Benefits of Tiger Nuts

Tiger nuts has a whole lot of health & nutritional benefits which are listed below.

  1.  It can use to decrease & eliminate belly fats.
  2.  It can be use for weight loss. Chromium helps one to lose weight by suppressing appetite.
  3. . It can be used to lower high blood pressure. Potassium helps to reduce high blood pressure & it contains a whole lot of potassium. 
  4.  It is highly beneficial to an anemic patient as it contains lots of iron better than the iron in milk & red meat.
  5.  Tiger nuts can be used to boost production of testosterone in men. A man who is struggling sexually can actually get natural Viagra from tiger nuts instead of buying synthetic Viagra from drug store with it serious side effects.
  6.  Tiger nuts can be used to treat erectile dysfunction . The Chinese has actually use it to treat erectile dysfunction for many years. 
  7.  The magnesium in tiger nuts help to regulate the heart beat & maintain normal blood pressure.
  8.  It helps to prevent colon cancer. It clears the colon due to the fiber contained in it. Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine (colon) which is the final part of the digestive tract.  
  9.  It enhances digestion.The enzymes such as amylase, thy-lase, & catalase contained in tiger nuts boost digestion.

How is Tiger Nuts Consumed?

The nuts are eaten in the same way that the white portion of a coconut is eaten. You chew the nut, sucking out the milk (sweetener) & spit out the white chaff. You can eat the nuts as a snack. It can be eaten at any time but for best results eat very early in the morning on an empty stomach or just before going to bed.  
So please you need to start taking tiger nuts from today if you’ve not been doing so already. It is actually very, very beneficial to men’s health. It is cheap & economical.

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